EU-LOCATIONS Full-Service-Packages
Europe – Company formation in Cyprus

Excellent location within the European Union
Cyprus has, in addition to the most attractive Non-Dom-Programme within the European Union, very strong arguments for setting up a company.
Corporation tax is 12.5%, there are no trade taxes, and you will receive a VAT number (international Value Added Tax number), as well as a local tax number. Additionally, a Cyprus company with business premises and proper business operations meets the international substance requirements of a foreign company.
Cyprus has a respectable reputation both within and outside of the European Union and has made extraordinary efforts, particularly in the last four years, to provide excellent conditions for foreign companies and business owners.
The business-friendly implementation of the CFC-Rules in Cyprus, offers a high degree of corporate freedom.
With a combination of company formation and residential relocation, Cyprus offers the following advantage: Non-Dom regulation .
Five stars for this excellent corporate location within the EU, where we have been representative for over 20 years!

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NON-EU-LOCATIONS Incl. CFC-Management-Packages
Company formation including management package and bank account

Review of this location:
With the implementation of international CFC-Rules and substance requirements, Panama has developed into one of the most sought after Non-EU locations worldwide.
Although the Panama company does now not represent an offshore company anymore, it still has many exciting advantages to offer.
If you prefer company formation outside of Europe, you should absolutely look into this modern corporate location. As with the ‘New Seychelles Company’ , Panama is incredibly flexible and thanks to the management package, the company operates legally secure on an international level.
A five-star review for company formation in Panama.
The Seychelles
Company formation including management package and bank account

Review of this location:
The Seychelles company is subject to territorial taxation in the Seychelles. The corporation tax in the Seychelles is only levied when the profits are not earned outside of the Seychelles.
The Seychelles has already implemented the international recommendations of the OECD and liberally reformed company and tax laws. The employment of local directors, nominees and the fulfilment of national and international substance requirements (e.g. business premises) is easily accomplished through appropriately customised management packages.
Find out more in the following pages, where some very positive and eye-opening experiences await you. Or simply contact us directly, we are happy to hear from you!
Five-star review for this location!
NON-EU-LOCATIONS Without taxation on company level
Canada Ontario LP company formation
with a Full-Service-Package

Review of this location:
The Canada Ontario LP is in particular a great alternative to the USA. There are no accounting obligations, no taxation on a corporate level, and these in addition to the impeccable international reputation are only a few examples why many entrepreneurs are choosing Canada as a business location.
Our review of this location is: 5 stars.
Florida LLC company formation
with local bank account

Review of this location:
Establishing a company in Canada is generally preferred to US company formation. Although, since 2019 the Florida LLC in particular has become interesting again, because among other things you can in this way open local bank accounts in the USA again.
Let’s talk about your business, we are at your disposal!
An alternative to Canada, which we at this point rate with four stars – a rising trend!
RESIDENTIAL RELOCATION Cyprus (Non-Dom)/United Arab Emirates
EU-residence in Cyprus with Non-Dom status

Residential relocation, Non-Dom status and company formation
The Mediterranean island of Cyprus is a full member of the European Union and offers around 350 days of sunshine, the beach and the sea as well as substantial advantages for the internationally active businessperson. Only 60 days minimum stay per year, no taxation on dividends and many more benefits…
Cyprus (EU) is in our view the paradise within the EU and therefore receives a 5-star rating!
You can find more information on our website:
United Arab Emirates
Residential relocation and company formation

Residential relocation with Free-zone company formation
Already with the formation of a RAK Free-zone company (Free trade zone Ras Al Khaimah) in the United Arab Emirates, will you be able to attain an investor visa and enjoy the amazing opportunity of becoming a resident in the United Arab Emirates. An optimal infrastructure, high quality of life and excellent leisure activities are, besides income and corporate taxation of 0%, often the most important reasons for businesspersons to relocate to the Emirates.

Residential relocation with Free-zone company formation
Already with the formation of a RAK Free-zone company (Free trade zone Ras Al Khaimah) in the United Arab Emirates, will you be able to attain an investor visa and enjoy the amazing opportunity of becoming a resident in the United Arab Emirates. An optimal infrastructure, high quality of life and excellent leisure activities are, besides income and corporate taxation of 0%, often the most important reasons for businesspersons to relocate to the Emirates.

Review of this location:
The RAK ICC represents the modern model of the former RAK offshore company, although it does not by itself offer the possibility of building substance within the United Arab Emirates. Evidently this ‘absence’ can lead to difficulties with international business transactions (keyword CFC-Rules and substance requirements). For this reason, the RAK ICC is in some instances still recommended, although not in every case. A very good alternative within the UAE would be the RAK Premium package or the Seychelles as a substitute location.
We continue to give the location RAK five stars, although due to the aforementioned problems we rate RAK ICC only with four stars.